A Message from The President
I am honored to serve as the 16th President of the Dallas Business Club. DBC is a consortium of preeminent MBA alumni networks giving members access to an elite network of influential DFW business leaders. Our mission is clear - bring value to our members and schools AND act in ways to elevate our
organization to new heights in 2024 and beyond.

We have five key goals designed to set up valuable options in the coming years:
- Find ways to add Value for Inner Circle Members: Enhance the value proposition for our Individual Contributors, ensuring a personalized and rewarding experience
- Continue to Host Outstanding Events: Bringing meaningful, timely events will attract audiences and deliver tangible value for our members. We have already started filling the event pipeline
- Reconnect with Past Members: Last year our membership increased by 30% giving us more talent to draw volunteers to lead new projects. Many members have let their memberships expire due to inactivity from the pandemic. We want to re-engage with those members and have already begun reaching out. I encourage you to reach out to past members and help us recruit new ones
- Gain a Better Understanding of Our Members and Partners: DBC reaches more than 3,000 people through our distribution list and more than 10,000 people through our relationships with local alumni chapters. Understanding who they are and their common. problems will help us find ways to support them personally and professionally
- Reduce Barriers for Alumni to Find and Join Us: Improve accessibility through streamlined communication, making it easier for people to join our events and become part of our organization
Your active participation is crucial in achieving these goals. Let's make 2024 a year of growth and success for the Dallas Business Club.
Talk soon!
Best regards,
Richard Stephenson
2024 President Dallas Business Club
Vanderbilt Business - Owen Graduate School of Management